How to create
a Vivid Square?

The aim of the Živé námestie (Vivid Square) project is to transform the area into a functional public space.

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Živé námestie (The Vivid Square)

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How the website was created — This website was published in 2018. Information on the subpage “The Živé námestie (Vivid Square) Project” is kept in the version from the end of 2018 during the handover of the project to MIB. Many quick wins have since been implemented, while others are no longer valid and will be a subject of the architectural competition.

The “Živé námestie” (Vivid Square) project was initiated by Alliance Old Market Hall (Aliancia Stará Tržnica, AST) and SGI in cooperation with the 2021 architectural studio and Laboratory of Landscape Architecture with the participation of Bratislava, the Capital City of the Slovak Republic. Consultations were organised also with other stakeholders, experts, residents, and visitors of the city.

zive namestie  - namestie snp  a kamenne namestie v bratislave

The Živé námestie (Vivid Square) project mainly presents a large quantity of collected and newly elaborated data concerning Kamenné Square and SNP Square. These serve as background for the architectural competition. The competition should result in a long-term strategy of transforming the squares into a functional and accessible urban space. The competition should result in a long-term strategy of transforming the squares into a functional and accessible urban space. The project also includes the so-called quick wins. They are also based on the collected data and include a set of changes that can be implemented in a relatively short time with a restricted budget, but they also have a big potential to significantly improve the experience in the public space.

Riešené územie

The solutions involve the following streets and squares: SNP Square, Kamenné Square, a part of Dunajská Street, Špitálska Street, Rajská Street, Klobučnícka Street, Treskoňova Street, Hurbanovo Square and Župné Square.

Three important moments
in the 20th century

1. Moderna 1930

1. Modernist

In the 1930s, the city experienced a period of development; only in the surroundings of SNP square, four new buildings were constructed: Municipal Savings Bank (today building of the Slovenská sporiteľňa bank on the corner of Štúrova and Dunajská), Coop Houses (opposite the Old Market Hall), Brouk a Babka Department Store (the building of the “old” Dunaj department store) and the Manderla House (“Manderlák”). Although these are high-rise buildings, their construction did not significantly change the functioning of the square. The Old Market Hall continued being used, and trading from stalls also continued not only in front of the market hall, but also next to the Caroline Augusta Fountain and in front of the Reformist Church.

1. Moderna 1949

2. Totalitarian regime

In 1949, an important event took place – the statue of Stalin was erected in the square. This meant the end of Caroline Augusta Fountain, which stood there since 1828, and also the end of the public and gathering space. A similarly large intervention into the space was the construction of the Memorial to the Heroes in the Slovak National Uprising (1974). Besides other things, the shape of the memorial was supposed to prevent the gathering of people in the square (this was similar to today’s Freedom Square).

1. Moderna 1968

3. Construction of Prior

The construction of the Prior department store took place between 1964 and 1968. This structure changed the shape of Kamenné Square and its surroundings for good. Kamenné Square itself used to be a small square opposite the end of Kolárska Street, but the construction of Prior made it significantly larger.

What we build on –
the starting point


In the first step of creating the project (2016), we collected and analysed past project proposals, all sorts of plans from the past fifty years, historical photographs, etc. There are also many other documents, which include original works or outputs drafted by us or to order.


Then we mapped the state of play in the square as regards:

  • static transport
  • traffic signs
  • trees and shrubs
  • advertising surfaces
  • litter bins
  • bicycle parking racks
  • public street lighting
  • plant pots
  • posts

Finally, we prepared

  • a data map
  • a 3D model of the square
  • an emotional map
  • a legal analysis
  • a dendrological survey of 172 trees

We also started the process of collecting opinions
and suggestions from experts and the general public,
but mainly from residents. This included:

138 working meetings

The realisation team attended 138 working meetings with stakeholders and experts.


We prepared a questionnaire for the public, which was completed by 1087 respondents


We organised educational walks and so-called focus groups in Seniorcentrum in the Old Town, the Prešporkovo family centre, and also with groups of visually impaired and immobile persons.


We collected data with the topic of safety through the WhatCity? workshop.


We mapped 407 suggestions that were posted over seven years on the Message for the Mayor portal.

čo vidíš?
(You know what you see?)

Through the portal and with the help of locals, we documented their memories connected to specific places in the squares.

Emotional map

We collected 269 opinions about pleasant and unpleasant spots that people marked using cards on a map in the Old Market Hall.

View the proposed quick wins

Podklad k plánovaným zmenám Spevnené povrchy Osvetlenie Priechod pre chodcov Cyklotrasa Stĺpiky Sedenie a mobiliár Zeleň Cyklostojany Infopanely Odpadkové koše Present state

1 - SNP Square – SNP Square is a valuable area in the city centre, and for that reason, we are convinced that priority should be given to walking and spending time in its main parts. We propose traffic changes that will allow this mode of mobility, make it more seamless and increase the level of transparency in the area. We focused especially on a spot where this can bring the largest benefit, and that is the continuation of Poštová Street. At the same time, we propose modifying the greenery and adding lighting in the surroundings of SNP Memorial, which will increase transparency, and thus also improve safety and cleanliness in the area.

Download analyses

Over the past years, we have collected hundreds of suggestions and prepared numerous proposals to improve the mentioned area. This website only provides an introduction to them along with a brief summary of the proposed changes. If you want to view and study the documents in more detail, you can download them here.


zive namestie  - namestie snp  a kamenne namestie v bratislave zive namestie  - namestie snp  a kamenne namestie v bratislave zive namestie  - namestie snp  a kamenne namestie v bratislave zive namestie  - namestie snp  a kamenne namestie v bratislave zive namestie  - namestie snp  a kamenne namestie v bratislave zive namestie  - namestie snp  a kamenne namestie v bratislave

The Živé námestie (Vivid Square) project is a common outcome of the Shared Cities: Creative Momentum project, co-financed from the Creative Europe programme of the European Union, and the National project of the Office of the Plenipotentiary of the Government for the Development of the Civil Society entitled Promote Partnership and Dialogue in the Area of Participatory Public Policy-Making, operational programme Effective Public Administration, supported by the European Social Fund. Some outputs of the Živé námestie project were co-funded by the Slovak Arts Council.