
How the website was created — This website was published in 2020.

We want the best architects to design the squares in cooperation with other experts in order to get the best possible solution for people spending their time in this space.

SNP Square, Kamenné Square and Velvet Revolution Square represent one of the most important urban spaces in Bratislava. They are located in the city centre in the conservation zone. The area is a combination of several important layers – a socially significant space, an important public transportation transfer hub and the presence of objects subject to conservation. Therefore, this space needs to be approached comprehensively and requirements of a large number of local stakeholders need to be taken into account.

Using the competitive dialogue procedure will make it possible to reach a design that will account for and solve these factors in the maximum extent possible and with a higher degree of certainty than could be expected in the case of proposals submission through a standard anonymous design contest, which does not allow negotiations about the design in the process of its creation. A gradual definition of the project based on the proposals of the participants and the possibility to discuss these solutions in all their aspects are the main benefits of the competitive dialogue.

What is a Competitive Dialogue?

A competitive dialogue is a form of an architectural competition that makes it possible to further specify the brief between announcing the competition and submitting the final competition designs, and the studios participating in the competition may continuously consult their designs with the experts involved in the competitive dialogue. Moreover, a wider spectrum of people can be involved in the process; besides the evaluation committee, participants, and experts, these can also include local stakeholders in the area, who bring a relevant perspective into the brief.

It is used in projects with a high level of complexity when it is not possible to define all conditions of the project brief with absolute certainty at the time of announcing the competition. These are further specified during the dialogue thanks to the possibility of providing feedback to the proposals.

The competitive dialogue for SNP Square, Kamenné Square and Velvet Revolution Square has two stages. In stage 1, requests to participate were submitted, and in stage 2, the commission evaluated the submitted professional portfolios and chose teams that will work on the architectural design for this area.

The selected teams will get background information from experts and parties concerned during a conference. Individual topics, limitations and opportunities in the squares will be introduced there in detail. In the process of the competitive dialogue, the teams will further participate in two workshops, where they will present their designs to the committee, experts, and local stakeholders. Workshops will include a discussion based on which participants will further elaborate their designs. Then, the teams participating in the competition will submit their final tenders, which will be evaluated by the committee. Negotiations about concluding a contract will then commence with the author of the winning project.

Committee Members

Matúš Vallo  /SK/ City Mayor of Bratislava Zuzana Aufrichtová  /SK/ Mayor of the Old Town Igor Marko  /SK/GB/ architect , Michal Fišer  /CZ/ architect , Marko Studen  /SLO/ architect , Daniel Zimmermann  /AT/ landscape architect , Pierre Alain Trévelo  /FR/ architect ,

Alternate committee members

Antonín Novák  /CZ/ architect , Juraj Šujan  /SK/ Advisor to the City Mayor of Bratislava – architect in Šujan-Štassel Michal Marcinov  /SK/ MIB, member of Živé námestie (The Vivid Square), landscape architect - LABAK Roman Žitňanský  /SK/ MIB, Public Space Section, architect

Experts and local stakeholders

Active participants of the competitive dialogue also include experts and local stakeholders. They include around 30 experts on various aspects of the brief, representatives of institutions, business owners, and other stakeholders from the area under consideration. They will all have the opportunity to express their opinions and discuss the competition designs.

Background documents and conditions of the competition can be found on this link

Introduction of competition teams

In the first stage, 23 competition teams applied for the open invitation to participate in the competition. Out of them, 17 teams fulfilled competition conditions and 16 submitted their portfolio of references that was assessed in the second stage.

In the second stage, the committee selected four teams, which will work on competition designs.

Loidl BPR (DE)

Atelier Loidl Landschaftsarchitekten Berlin GmbH, BPR Dr. Schäpertöns Consult GmbH & Co. KG



SADAR+VUGA (Boštjan Vuga, Jurij Sadar, Matjaž Bahor, Monika Rus), Bruto (Matej Kučina), Elea iC (Andrej Pogačnik)



Dipl.-Ing. Till Rehwaldt, Ing. Zdeněk Tesař


Rusina Frei (CZ)

Rusina Frei, s.r.o. OMGEVING cvba MINT


Competition contributions

Have a look at how the Vivid Square project developed and also at other contributions of experts regarding topics that are crucial when creating the design of the squares.

Welcome architects

Matúš Vallo
City Mayor of Bratislava


The Story of Živé námestie (The Vivid Square)

Ján Mazúr / MIB
2016–2018 one of the initiators of the Vivid Square project
Since 2019 director of the Metropolitan Institute of Bratislava


Competitive dialogue process

Peter Lényi / MIB
Director of the Competition Department


Archaeological artifacts and monuments

Ivan Štassel
Director of the Municipal Monument Preservation Institute in Bratislava


Evolution of politics and markets

István Veres
NGO Bratislava Rolls


Evolution of architecture and urbanism

Henrieta Moravčíková
Architectural theoretician, Slovak Academy of Sciences
(UN)Planned Bratislava (63 MB)


Urban planning

Katarína Štefancová
Deputy director Department of Urban Planning - City of Bratislava
Master Plan (107MB)



Ivan Bútora
Urban Mobility Department - City of Bratislava
Mobility (228 MB)


Administration of the SNP Monument

Boris Šramko
Marianum - Administration of the SNP Monument



Roman Žitňanský / MIB
Director of the Public Space Department



Michal Marcinov / MIB
Public Space Department



Juraj Hurný / MIB
Participatory Planning Office
Participation project (0.5MB)



Milota Sidorová / MIB
Director of the Participatory Planning Office


Quick wins

Monika Kuhn / MIB
Urban Space Design Department


We also approached experts from various fields as well as local stakeholders in the area. Local stakeholders represent institutions or operators of businesses in the squares. Some of the approached experts and stakeholders provided us with contributions that you can read or watch in a video.



Karol Machánek
General Investor of Bratislava - director

Dan Kollár
OZ Cyklokoalícia

Sergej Kára
City Mayor’s Plenipotentiary for the Homeless

Ministry of the Interior of the Slovak Republic (text contribution)



Akad. arch. Pavol Kuzma
Heir of the SNP Memorial architecture copyright

Darina Ondrušová
Program manager of Kunsthalle Bratislava

Denisa Chylová
Alliance Old Market Hall

Martin Králik
Owner of Mobile cafés

Martina Hlinová
Owner of a restaurant a café

Juraj Štepka, Peter Roth
Old Town Residents association

Heirs of authors' rights to the sculptures (text contribution)

Territorial Development Office for the Old Town (text contribution)

Resident of the Manderla House (text contribution)

Owner of the hotel Kyjev (text contribution)

Café and bar (text contribution)

Chairperson of the Board, Hotel Tulip (text contribution)

Virtual visit

The aim of the virtual visit is to visually introduce the area under consideration to the competition teams.

Walk the squares

Fly above squares

3D tour